Frigidaire Oven Pf Error Code

If the keypad is fine, there is perhaps a problem with the internal checksum, or computer data; disconnect the power for 30 seconds and reconnect it if the code remains, you must replace the electronic oven control, or eoc for short if the f1 code appears when the oven is running, it means that the oven senses an overheating condition. Frigidaire oven pf error code. I need your help with frigidaire oven error codes i know that gets complicated because there are several different sets of oven error codes, depending on th.

frigidaire oven pf error code

The oven was working fine until in the last couple of days the pf code would come on after the oven had been on for a while we could, at that time, reset it and turn the oven back on the problem has worsened as now the pf code will come up whenever the oven (bake/broil) is selected the stove top and the clock work fine once we clear the pf code. Thank you for your question and i understand your concern. the "pf" indicates a power failure. this would be normal to happen when the circuit breaker was flipped off and back on.. This is a guide on what frigidaire dishwasher error codes are and what they mean..

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