Maytag Oven F10 Error Code

From oven temperature errors and door latch errors to touchpad errors, we tell you what these codes mean and how to fix the maytag oven problem schedule service today (541) 295-8463. Maytag oven f10 error code. * here is a simple test that you can do to determine whether the clock or the touchpad are defective when the display reads f1: - disconnect power to the range.

maytag oven f10 error code

Whenever you select an oven temperature, the heating elements are commanded to rise until that temperature is reached if your frigidaire electric range senses that the temperature is going beyond acceptable limits, the f10 code will display and the range will automatically shut off to prevent damage. Yes, f10, only 1 of 2 things will cause this, either a bad oven sensor or bad clock/oven control(eoc). f10 - runaway temperature you will need an ohm meter and ohm your oven temperature sensor probe, normal would be 1000-1100 ohms at room temperature.. View this repair: mgr8600dh visit us at do-it-yourself diagnostic and repair videos brought to.

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