Maytag Oven F10 Error

Hello, we have a maytag model mer5710aaw we first had f3 and then a f1 while wife was cooking thanksgiving dinner now when trying to find problem tried oven again and it starts to heat then stops with no fault. Maytag oven f10 error. Detailed instructions on how to fix the error code f01, f70, pf in the maytag dryer the causes of the error, tips on how to fix the breakage of the dryer.

maytag oven f10 error

Please remember we are not in your home to do the repair or test our self and cant always be 100% and can always overlook something / thanks replace the oven temp sensor ,, it looks like a metal rod sticking out from the inside back wall of the oven / thanks. Yes, f10, only 1 of 2 things will cause this, either a bad oven sensor or bad clock/oven control(eoc). f10 - runaway temperature you will need an ohm meter and ohm your oven temperature sensor probe, normal would be 1000-1100 ohms at room temperature.. Spray a little wd-40 onto a washcloth and scrub off any rust or debris on the latch. check around the door of the oven to clean off any debris that prevents the door from shutting completely..

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